Saturday, 15 June 2013

iOS 7 and Facebook Hashtags Debut and Other Top Comments


This week's major news can be summed up with a clean "#iOS7."

Facebook (finally) rolled out hashtag support, and Apple debuted the next "biggest thing to happen to the iPhone since the iPhone" since the last "biggest thing to happen to the iPhone since the iPhone": the bright new iOS 7. And of course our readers had much to say about it.

Announced at WWDC, iOS 7 drew a lot of criticism for its lighter color scheme, even inspiring a Tumblr account, "Jony Ive Redesigns Things," which mostly paints Apple's vice president of industrial design to be a Lisa Frank for 2013

Some commenters said iOS 7's shiny design — which moves away from much of the skeuomorphic look that Steve Jobs prided himself on for setting Apple apart from other mobile operating systems — is an insult to Jobs' vision and suggested that since Jobs' passing, Apple's been losing its lead in innovation against Microsoft, Android and other companies. (New features and designs in iOS 7 noticeably similar to existing apps and mobile systems.) Read more...

More about Facebook, Apple, Wwdc, Hashtags, and Ios

via Social Media

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